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How can our Property Investment Service help you?

Others say, ‘location, location, location’. We say, ‘location, purpose, price, capital growth, rental returns’… the list goes on. Knowing the market is critical. Local knowledge is key.

At Stacks, our property investment service ensures all aspects of your purchase and investment are addressed. This is because finding, analysing, negotiating, and completing is what we do.

Why use our Property Investment Service?

Property investors often only seek professional advice when they get to the point of instructing a solicitor for conveyancing. But this can mean they find themselves too far down the road to make changes to the terms of their purchase if something isn’t quite right.

However, if you choose our Property Investment Service, you have someone on your side right from the start. Someone to advise on neighbourhoods, market prices, and property investment gotchas. Someone to help ensure you maximise your opportunities for capital growth and rental return. And someone with knowledge and experience to provide guidance on your long-term strategy.

Put simply, using our property investment service means we find, analyse, negotiate, and pursue your purchase through to a successful conclusion. This ensures you save time, money, and stress.

How does our Property Investment Service work?

During property investment we are able to help negotiate a great deal for your investment. As well as this we can help find your property, analyse the area and follow up on each aspect with the right people to get your investment completed.

Our property investment service follows this steps.

  1. Discuss your Investment Requirements

The only way we can understand what you’re trying to achieve with your property investment is to discuss your plans in detail. We need to know why you’re looking to invest in property and what you’re hoping to achieve as a return.

We want to understand what your long-term plans are, how much you want to be involved with the management of the property once you own it, and what your exit strategy is.

  1. Search For Potential Property investments

Our next task is then to search for the right property to meet your investment needs. With our local knowledge, experience, and contacts we can seek out properties that are not officially on the market as well as those that are.

As with all our property finding projects, no stone is left unturned. Once we’ve found a likely candidate, or some, we’ll arrange for you to view it as soon as you can.

  1. Research on The Potential Property

After finding a suitable property for you we then double our efforts to research the background of both the vendor and the property thoroughly.

Our aim is always to put ourselves in the best position to negotiate on your behalf.

  1. Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate

And this is where you’ll be truly glad you chose to use our property investment service.

We are the ones to have those awkward conversations and ask the necessary questions. It is our job to get the best price on the right terms for you.

  1. Liaise

Once your offer is accepted, we will then continue to deal with every aspect of your property investment purchase.

We work with the surveyor, to talk to neighbours, liais with planners, work with local tradesmen, confer with your solicitor, and iron out any other problems. Until finally we can…

  1. Celebrate

Once your investment property is secured we leave you to celebrate and enjoy your new adventure.

If you’d like to speak to someone about our Property Investment Service, please do give us a call. We’d be delighted to discuss your requirements in more detail.

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